Every blogger does it
catchy phrases & word jumbling.
To make our thoughts look less random
more organized than bumbling.
We type our thoughts out day by day
odds & ends, ups & downs, & news..
about how we think our hairs going grey
& post pictures of new shoes.
Manic Monday to talk about our woes
of frantic scheduling
Silly Saturday to giggle & play
& laugh at everything.
Wordless Wednesday is a lazy day
Just a picture to show our thoughts
Follow Friday is to meet new friends
(and follow all they're blogs!)
But in the middle of it all
no other day shows more
It's Thankful Thursday where we show
exactly what we are HAPPY for.
So in the spirit of this day
my right now top 5 loves
but not in a traditional way
more like
"Life without these? I wouldn't DREAM of!"
"Life without these? I wouldn't DREAM of!"
Stand Up Comedy
I love viva pinata! LOL or i used to when we had an xbox 360. I miss you hun!!
Awe miss you too boo!... and ugh.. che?! ITS MY Fav "lose-my-self" time
Spaghetti O's are AWESOME! I was so glad when I moved off campus because it gave me an excuse to buy a can opener for Spaghetti O's. YUM!
Mmmm, I agree with Sarah, I love me some Spaghetti O's :)
Sghetti Os rock... but I'd take the ones with meatballs over the ones with hotdogs any day.
Holly's right. I've had the ones with hot dogs and they weren't as good as the ones with meatballs. I prefer the meatballs to plain any day :)
I have actually never had the meatball ones.. sad, i kno.. but i just can't bring myself to give up a can of the hotdog ones insed. :) i luv me some sgettiOhotdogs. ;)
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Leave love, leave hate, leave WHATEVER you feel... as long as what is left is HONEST & REAL!