Sunday, July 10, 2011

MFB Question of the Week

1. What animal/insect/reptile/human do you find absolutely horrifying? 

And why do people like clowns?
(Do people actually LIKE clowns?)

eeeesh... spiders.... OhmyGawd. 

...READ HERE for a terrifyingly hilarious insight...

& when it comes to clowns, they don't bother me...
but my husband is TERRIFIED of them...
which is always fun for me. :D

What about you???


Don't forget to check out Johi's MFB feature!
Corn Fed Girl


  1. OMG!!! I was attacked by a spider the other day! It was the size of a half dollar. I was minding my own business layin on the couch when all of sudden it decided running up my leg was a GRAND idea. I wouldn't touch that couch until the roommate said he had found it and killed it (it disappeared after my jumping about screaming). Ugh, I wanna jump off here just thinking about it!!

    Spiders, cockroaches (I've seen one jump on someone, super scary), stingy/bitey bugs, Junebugs (creepy little things that grab you tight) and clowns... I also hate feet...

  2. I'm right there with you with spiders. Actually, with all creepy crawlies! I don't like them at all!

  3. OH..MY...GOD!!!! Why is that woman's hand RIGHT NEXT TO THE SPIDER!!!!!!???? IS THAT YOUR HAND???? OMG OMG OMG OMG...


  4. Yuck! So sorry, but I'm out...

    That spider is beyond gross!

    XOXO. Lots of love to you!


Leave love, leave hate, leave WHATEVER you feel... as long as what is left is HONEST & REAL!