Thursday, June 30, 2011

I'm Thiiirsty....

Since its Ryan's Friday.. we're going to sit back, relax, & enjoy not having ANYTHING to do. 

*Ahhhhhhh...That's nice.*

& what better to compliment a lazy day? 
None other than:

Here's what We're having!
 Recipe & Pix compliments of Make it & Love it

"Simply Lemonade brand lemonade (real lemon juice, not from concentrate, seriously delicious), frozen unsweetened raspberries, and ice.  Okay, and a little sugar if desired." 
That's all you need!
  • Blend up some of the juice with the ice.
  • Add frozen raspberries. 
  • Blend that all up again. 
  •  Add some sugar to taste.
  • Then pour and serve.
 Wah-Lah! Delicious summer refreshment... 




  1. oh man so thirsty myself!!

    following from thursday hop! would love for you to follow back and say hello!

  2. ME WANT. Raspberry lemonade is the best.

  3. that looks really yummy. question, is simply lemonade just like lemon juice or something? I don't think I've seen it before. and loving the reference to lego.

  4. Remy - i kno right? :) It was soooo yummy!

    Little Missy me - Simply Lemonade has no preserves or extra sweeteners or color-dyes. all natural :D & thank you1

  5. Mmm that sounds so good. It sort of reminds me of that new frozen strawberry lemonade McDonald's has! i haven't tried it yet, but I love treats like this in the summertime!

  6. Man, now I'm thirst, too. :( And I don't even have all the things at home to make me such a smoothie...

    Gonna try it soon, tho. :)

    Here's to a happy weekend, friend. You have a long one, right? Ah, enjoy!
    XO. Lots of love.


Leave love, leave hate, leave WHATEVER you feel... as long as what is left is HONEST & REAL!