Thursday, June 16, 2011

Goooood Morning!!

How are you today??
Me, i'm wonderful! First time I have woken up easily this early in months! 
(Must have been the ahhhmazing kisses from my hubby as he left for work! Must have been!)

Now I get to enjoy a wonderfully warm shower while
 blaring some tunes on the Ol' Cd player...
(Gotta love show love to OldSchool ways every now&again!)
& then some delicious coffee the hubby brought home from work!
(goes perfect with my coffee mug, no?) ;)

What about you?
How do you start YOUR mornings? I wanna know!

Have you joined in on the postcard swap?? 
I'm fiiiieeeening for new places to post swap with... would love to send to you!
Click the button to hop in!!

Have a great day dearies!


Don't forget to check out the newest MFB feature!


  1. I start my mornings with Komodo brew, blog roll, and reddit. Then I brush my teeth.

  2. My breakfast usually depends on what I'm hungry for. Sometimes it's peanut butter on toast; other times it's good ol' fashioned cereal. I also check Facebook and entertainment news while either watching TV or listening to music. Gotta have my routines :)

  3. Mornings? I think I'm awake until those haha! If I have to work before noon, I try to get up early enough to eat a bowl of cereal and have a long hot shower. Both rarely happen on the same day though!


Leave love, leave hate, leave WHATEVER you feel... as long as what is left is HONEST & REAL!